Inventory your equipment at record speeds using Helix Mobile.

See How Helix Works for You

Process inventory 2.5x faster than traditional methods using the Helix Mobile app.
Simplified technology that lives on your own hand-held device makes gathering comprehensive details for inventory projects faster and easier than ever.
Ditch clunky laptops and specialized scanners — just download the app to your handheld device and get started.
Update all equipment details in one place using your phone’s native features to scan barcodes, add photos, and enter other essential information — either manually, or with the app’s autocomplete and optical character recognition (OCR) features.
Make quick and easy edits while inventorying, or come back later using the Quick Search feature to scan an item or search by keyword.

Create a consistent, easily-searchable catalog of all equipment with a standardized autocomplete library.
A tailored, pre-approved library of terms and naming conventions simplifies both processing new equipment and finding and editing equipment later.
Eliminate human error with autocomplete features that sync to a library of approved terms specialized to your needs.
Process equipment faster by selecting approved options in the auto-complete drop-down menu, rather than typing out full details every time.
Simplify future data updates using consistent searchable terminology and syntax — especially powerful when paired with bulk editing capabilities in Helix’s integrated online platform.

Easily include images for approval, verification, and future reference.
Clear images of equipment and asset details help confirm and validate essential information from anywhere at any time.
Easily capture quality images with the app’s direct integration to your device’s native camera features.
Verify details in the future by photographing barcodes, serial numbers, and other information labels on equipment.
Adjust system settings to customize how many photos are required, ensuring your team collects all the necessary data the first time around.

Integrate directly with Helix Online.
The app is powerful on its own, but when paired with the full cloud-based Helix suite? A whole new set of capabilities open.
Clean and validate data in real-time, reducing errors during inventory projects
and minimizing additional time required after a project is complete.
Simplify ongoing maintenance of your database using features such as bulk editing and simplified equipment search — either by keyword or scanning a barcode.
Connect all stakeholders with user-based permissions, making consistent data accessible across teams and equipment records.
Track and identify important details with a variety of powerful reporting options.